INDEX Knowledge & Skills Foundation
INDEX Knowledge & Skills Foundation is a non-profit, charitable organization committed to transforming education and shaping future generations. The foundation operates three schools within the same campus: Little Stars Montessori School, St. Nicholas School, and St. Anthony's School. Each institution is uniquely tailored to address different stages of a child’s academic journey.
Little Stars Montessori School provides a nurturing environment for pre-schoolers, fostering their early development and love for learning. St. Nicholas School offers a robust foundation for children from Lower Nursery to Kindergarten, preparing them for primary education. St. Anthony's School, affiliated with the ICSE board, delivers a comprehensive curriculum for students from Grade I to Grade XII. As a sister school to the renowned St. Anthony’s Jalpaiguri, it benefits from their expertise and shared resources, ensuring a high standard of academic and co-curricular excellence.
The foundation remains steadfast in its mission to provide accessible, high-quality education while nurturing values and skills that shape confident, compassionate, and capable individuals.
St. Nicholas School and St. Anthony's School continue the legacy of Little Stars Montessori School, one of Kolkata’s most cherished preschools, founded by the INDEX Knowledge & Skills Foundation in 2005. Our mission is to create a nurturing and inclusive environment where every child feels valued, supported, and inspired to grow.
We are dedicated to providing a well-rounded education that balances academic excellence with moral values, helping students build confidence, curiosity, and character. By encouraging independence and resilience, we aim to prepare our students not just for exams, but for life.
With a small but exclusive student population, and a strong partnership between parents and educators, we work together to empower our children to become compassionate, responsible, and capable individuals who will thrive in a global world and contribute meaningfully to society.
As we gather here today,
All Nicholasians earnestly pray:
Be it in studies, play or debate,
Contests, projects, even subjects we hate,
We shall constantly try our very best,
Politeness, obedience and honesty - our quest.
Helping slow learners, saving the weak,
Generous to a fault, to succour the meek,
Yet, firm of hand to counter the foe,
This will mark Nicholasians, as onwards we go.
As we gather here today,
All Nicholasians earnestly pray:
God of nations hear our prayer,
Bless our school, St. Nicholas so dear,
And when one day we'll leave and go away,
We'll thank our school and cheer "hurray"!
Our Father in heaven,
Holy be your name.
Your Kingdom come,
Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our sins,
As we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
I am an Indian
Not because I am
A Hindu or a Muslim
Or a Sikh or a Christian
Or a Parsi or Jew
Or because I believe
In a particular religion.
I am an Indian
Because if I am not,
Who am I?
1. SCHOOL DIARY: Every student must be in possession of the School Diary on every working day. Non-compliance with this rule may debar a child from attending school for the day. 2. ID CARD: Your child will be handed over to you / the legal guardian / authorized representative ONLY upon the production of the child’s ID Card valid for the current session. Please note that this rule is of UTMOST IMPORTANCE and is enforced to ensure the SAFETY of your child. 3. UNIFORM: It is COMPULSORY for every student to wear the following approved uniform. Children whose dress does not conform to the school uniform will NOT be allowed to attend classes and will be marked absent accordingly. Parents are also requested to make certain that an additional set of clean uniform (Tee Shirt, Track Pant & Socks) is packed along with the school books in their child’s backpack every day. SUMMER UNIFORM (15th February to 14th November): Black Track Pant with yellow piping, Yellow Half-sleeved Collared Tee Shirt embossed with School Name & Logo, White Socks and Black Velcro shoes. WINTER UNIFORM (15th November to 14th February): Black Track Pant with yellow piping, Yellow Half-sleeved Collared Tee Shirt embossed with School Name & Logo, along with Maroon V-Necked Full-sleeved Pullover embossed with School Name & Logo, White Socks and Black Velcro shoes. ​Proper school uniform includes decent haircut, short nails and cleanliness. 4. ACADEMIC MATTERS: A) CRITERIA FOR PROMOTION Promotion will be decided on the whole year’s performance and not merely on the basis of the final examination. The Annual Examination will be based on the full year’s syllabi. Each term carries equal weightage, i.e. 50%. The minimum pass grade is 40%. Children who are detained in a class at the end of the year and are within the age group, MAY be allowed to repeat the class ONCE. (AGE GROUPS – LN: 3+ Yrs, UN: 4+ Yrs, KG: 5+ Yrs, Class I: 6+ Yrs) B) PRIVATE TUITIONS Parents are reminded that a tutorial must serve as a temporary period of assistance. It must never become a permanent crutch. C) REPORT CARD The Progress Report Card is an official transcript. No separate transcripts for a term or terms are issued. A duplicate Report Card or School Diary can be requested for on payment of Rs. 250/- in each case. Parents are requested to sign the Terminal Progress Reports in the appropriate place at the proper time and to note the number of days your child may have been absent during the term. 5. DISCIPLINE: A child must be in time for Assembly & Prayer Service at 8:00 a.m./8:30 a.m./12:30 p.m. The school gate will close at 8:00 a.m./8:30 a.m./12:30 p.m. and children who come late will not be allowed to attend school on that day. Irregular attendance, unjustified or unexplained absence, habitual late coming, disobedience or objectionable behavior of any kind may result in the removal of a child from the school. A minimum of 80% attendance is required per term in order to be eligible to sit for the half-yearly / annual examinations. Children absent from school must produce an entry in their School Diary from their parents, clearly stating the reason for absence. CHILDREN AFFLICTED BY INFECTIOUS DISEASES MUST COMPLETE THE QUARANTINE PERIOD BEFORE RE-JOINING THE SCHOOL. THIS SHOULD BE SUPPORTED BY A MEDICAL CERTIFICATE. The school does not provide for any re-testing for class assignments which are missed due to absence. The Principal’s prior permission for leave of absence from school is essential. Children who are absent without prior sanction for more than one week, are liable to have their names struck off the school rolls. 6. FEES: SCHOOL FEES FOR THE CURRENT QUARTER SHOULD BE PAID WITHIN THE 7TH OF THE FIRST MONTH OF EVERY QUARTER (APRIL / JULY / OCTOBER / JANUARY). LATE FEES: 1) AFTER THE 7TH OF THE MONTH BUT ON OR BEFORE THE LAST DAY OF THE MONTH: Rs. 300/- 2) AFTER THE MONTH FOR WHICH FEES ARE OVERDUE BUT ON OR AFTER THE 1ST OF THE NEXT MONTH: Rs. 600/- 3) IF THE TUITION FEE FALLS IN ARREAR FOR TWO CONSECUTIVE MONTHS, THE PUPIL’S NAME WILL BE STRUCK OFF THE ROLLS WITHOUT ANY PRIOR INTIMATION. RE-ADMISSION WILL BE GRANTED ONLY AFTER PAYMENT OF ALL DUES IN ARREAR PLUS A RE-ADMISSION FEE EQUIVALENT TO NORMAL ADMISSION FEE. STRUCTURE: WHILE WE MAKE EVERY ATTEMPT TO KEEP THE FEE STRUCTURE AS RATIONAL AS POSSIBLE, IT IS INEVITABLE THAT THE SAME IS SUBJECT TO A REVISION NOT EXCEEDING Rs. 200/- PER MONTH, AT THE COMMENCEMENT OF EVERY ACADEMIC YEAR. 7. GENERAL: EVERY CHILD HAS BEEN ALLOTED A ROLL NUMBER. THIS HAS ALSO BEEN WRITTEN IN THE FEE BOOK. KINDLY QUOTE THIS NUMBER AND THE CLASS, IN ALL CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE SCHOOL. Parents are required to notify the School authorities of any change in Address and Telephone numbers. While we do try to exercise utmost care, please note that THE SCHOOL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LOSS OF PERSONAL BELONGINGS. Therefore, IT IS INADVISABLE TO BRING VALUABLES TO SCHOOL. Parents are not allowed to see their children or meet teachers during school hours. Transfer Certificates will be issued only after all dues to the School have been cleared. All correspondence to the Principal should be addressed to her by designation and not by name. Should a student be injured or taken ill during school hours, the school will make every effort to contact the parents first. However, in case this is not possible, the school authorities will take the necessary remedial measures. All belongings of the children (i.e. bags, water bottles, tiffin boxes, pencil boxes, handkerchiefs, shoes, etc.) should be labelled clearly with the child’s name and roll number. Parents should converse in English with the children at home as much as possible. Every child is required to do assignments set in class as well as any homework that is given for the day. Parents are requested to ensure that homework assigned is completed on time. All children are required to bring their text and exercise books for their respective subjects as per the routine set by the class teacher every working day, unless otherwise specified. NOTE: The Principal, guided by the common code of justice and fair play, may exercise her discretionary powers for changing any of the conditions mentioned above, in exceptional cases, or in the interest of the institution.